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Week 5

Page history last edited by Ayat 8 years, 7 months ago

Cooperating online & wrap-up


(Week 5 : Feb 8 - 14, 2016)





Moderators :

Marijana Smolcec (Croatia), Ayat Tawel (Egypt), and Sanja Bozinovic (Croatia) Maria Bossa (Argentina) 

Guest Presenter:




By the end of this week you will have:
  • revisited previous weeks tools and shared your reflections about how you intend to use any of them in your classrooms and added your name to the Google Doc for future collaboration projects  
  • collaborated on Titanpad 
  • shared your reflections on ICT4ELT using the G+Community
  • completed the EVO Evaluation Survey
  • attended the live "EVO 2016 Live Webcast: Sharing Your Experience"
  • joined The Webheads in Action community of practice




Task 1


Share your reflections about how you intend to implement any of the tools introduced in previous weeks in your face-to-face classrooms or online learning and add your name to the future collaboration projects on the Google Doc.


Task 2


Let's collaborate together using Titanpad tool. Continue a story shared on TitanPad here. Write 2 or 3 sentences and keep the story going. Let's see how creative we can get!


Task 3

Share your reflections on ICT4ELT in our Google+Community.


Task 4

Complete the final Survey here


Task 5

Join the EVO2016 Live Webcast: Sharing Your Experience at the Webheads Elluminate vRoom on Sunday February 14, 2016 at 14:00 GMT.


Task 6

Join the Webheads in Action community of practice at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/evonline2002_webheads/  

and/or Webheads group on Facebook or Google+Community here.



Tools to explore


1. Google Docs (you can find a tutorial on Google Docs here) and/or watch it below:  



TitanPad ( you can find the tutorial for TitanPad here or watch the recording below)











I have....

  • shared my reflections on how I intend to use the tools from previous weeks in my classroom and added my name to the Google Doc for future collaboration projects  
  • collaborated on Titanpad 
  • commented on the Live Session in our Google+Community 
  • shared my reflections on ICT4ELT using our Google+Community
  • tweeted using #ICT4ELT
  • completed the EVO Evaluation Survey
  • attended the live "EVO 2016 Live Webcast: Sharing Your Experience"
  • joined the Webheads community of practice






To get a badge for this week, you at least need THREE out of FOUR tasks:


  • add your name to the Google Doc project and share your reflection 
  • collaborate on the Titanpad task
  • share your reflections on ICT4ELT 2016
  • complete the final participants' survey. (Add your name in the comments box if you want this task used for badges purpose) 


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