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Elizabeth Anne

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Saved by Jose Antonio da Silva
on January 17, 2016 at 2:13:19 pm

Using pbworks in class




Elizabeth Anne recently retired from over 25 years teaching English to Physicists at the University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble. She was awarded a honorary title for her innovative work, and also suddenly, towards the end of her career, presented her work at IATEFL, several IATEFL LTSIG events around the world (well around Europe at least!)

So I will show you how I use wikis with my (almost) adult students, which allowed me to harness the potential of the web (audio homework, remove grammar from the classroom, etc. etc.) and we will also see:

a). that all the hassle getting one's head around how this platform works is very much worth the effort

b) the more advanced features of pbworks

c). How an online meeting in Blackboard Collaborate works.



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