Sidebar vs. Navigator
Q: What is the difference between a "Sidebar" and a "Navigator"?
A: In the Help pages you can find a very simple explanation.
"The Pages & Files manager is a great way to see what is on your workspace, but you may want to explore the pages available to you on your workspace without navigating away from the current page. The Navigator on the right hand side of your workspace in view mode accomplishes just this."
More details here:
The Sidebar is the equivalent to a Table of Contents that you yourself create. To create one, click the "Edit the sidebar" link that opens a page just like any other wiki page. Delete whatever is there (that comes by default) and start creating links to the wiki pages you want in the Sidebar. Save your work and bingo.
Session sites
Q: What are the session sites and tools and what are they for?
A: Here's a table describing the different sites. There are links to them in the main wiki.
Asynchronous ( (not live, not in real time) |
Synchronous (live, in real time)
The one you're reading !
Includes all the resources of these 5 weeks in different pages (the Table of Contents is on the right) such as the Syllabus or the weekly activities
Participants wiki
Participants intros, links to blogs or wikis produced by participants
Google+Community |
For asynchronous interaction between participants |
To chat with colleagues and/or get one-on-one help in real time
Sharing ideas, knowledge, projects, links... in a maximum of 140 characters Use the hashtags #evosessions and #ICT4ELT
Wiziq (virtual classroom)
Live sessions, group meetings |
Learning Times (Webheads Virtual Office)
Recordings of the live sessions available after the event. |
Live sessions, group meetings |
Google+ Hangouts on Air |
Live meetings of up to 10 people |
When and Where are the classes?
Q: When will classes start? is there a specific timing we should all be present on line?
A: The 5-week session officially starts on the 10th January 2016. Most activities are not live.
To understand how this goes, please take a good look at this wiki. There are different pages.
Online sessions (synchronous) should take place once a week and you can see the schedule on the "Live Sessions" page.
Check the activities for each week in the sidebar
During these weeks we are mostly in contact through the Google+Community.
Don't hesitate to post a question there. If you don't know how to do something, you can be sure someone else is having the same problem and will be pleased to read you, because they don't know how to ask !
About the online sessions
: If you go to the Live Sessions page you'll see that each session has a specific venue.
We always advise participants to get registered in the different venues in advance.
Converting GMT to your time zone
Q: The time allocated to the session is not clear. I do not know how to count it.
A: Click on World Clock and in the "Search" field write your city and/or country. You are given several local times and, below that, the time in UTC / GMT, which tells the GMT time zone you are in. If it's GMT +4, it means that you need to add four hours to the times of our live sessions. If it's GMT -4, it means that you need to subtract four hours from the GMT time of the live session.
There is an alternative and maybe simpler way. Click on Time Zone Converter and complete the info requested. It gives the time in your neck of the woods.
The times for the "live sessions" are always in GMT (our standard) and are given on Live Sessions page.
Another way is to go to another page of the World Clock, The Fixed Time World Clock. You write the GMT time of an event, click the "Calculate fixed time" button and the site gives you the local time in different cities.
Readings: where are they?
Q: Where do I find the list of recommended readings?
A: The ICT4ELT wiki has all the materials you will need. If you look at the right frame, you'll find a Table of Contents (ToC) in the Sidebar with links to the different pages. Please look for "Readings" and click. They are organized by weeks. The pages for each week should also have links to the readings.
Help! I'm lost
Q: Help! I don't know what I am supposed to be doing or where I should be and when.
A: The ICT4ELT session starts on the 08th January 2017. The session is organized by weeks. A list of what you should do is in the corresponding Week wiki page, under course objectives. But there are other important things on that page. On the wiki Sidebar (column on the right equivalent to a Table of Contents), you have links to other weeks and activities.
You can also take a look at the Syllabus to get an idea of what ICT4ELT is about.
Then go to the Week 1 wiki page to see the activities of the first week. If you are behind on your activities, you can do the activities that interest you most and you have time for.
This is a 5-week session that basically takes place asynchronously, meaning that most activities are not in real time. But every week there is a live (synchronous) session given by a guest speaker about the topic of the week. All these sessions are described in the Live Sessions page of our wiki.
Registration for "Live Sessions"
Q: Where is the registration page for the live sessions?
A: Participants register for each live session in the Yahoo Group Database link (More/Database).
There you'll find a direct link to the session for the week we're in.
- click the link for the session
- click the "Add record" link (top and bottom right)
- fill in the required information
- click the "Add record" button (bottom right)
Registration for a Live Session gives guest speakers and mods an idea of how many people plan to attend. This is especially relevant in virtual classrooms where the number of seats may need to be increased.
ICT4ELT wiki
Creating an account
Q: How can I collaborate in the ICT4ELT "participants" wiki?
A: You need to create an account in PBworks and then request access to our wiki.
Requesting access to the wiki
Q: Where do I request access to the wiki?
A: The link to request access is located in the top right corner of any wiki page. It says: "To join this workspace, request access."
Placing the photos in the right place in the wiki
Q: Why do my photos show up at the top of the page or in another place where I don't want them?
A: You need to place your cursor in the specific place where you want your picture before clicking on the link of the picture.
Have your photo show in the wiki comments
Q: Why does my photo not show when I post a comment to the wiki?
A: It is because you probably have not uploaded a photo to your pbworks account profile
Inserting a new row into a table
Q: How can I insert a new row to an existing table?
- click the "Edit" tab
- scroll down to the last row created
- place the cursor/mouse inside the far right column
- right click and select "Row" and then "Insert row after"
Adding a link
Q: I tried to add my new wiki and blog address in the Participants' work page, but I don't seem to manage that.
A: Follow these steps:
- in the first free row, write the name of your wiki or blog and select it
- in the Formatting bar, click "Add link"
- paste the corresponding URL
- click Enter
Blogs vs. Social Networks
Q: In the article "The use of blogs, wikis and RSS in education...", page 2, it says "What is a blog" and it gives the characteristics. My question is... "How do they differ from a social network like FB?"
A: You asked asked about the differences between blogs and social networking. In both you can write, publish, post links. The biggest difference resides basically in the networked nation of social networking. Social networking services such as Facebook, Ning or Twiducate work like a series of interconnected blogs or websites. From your Facebook page, you can access your friends' pages. Social networking websites are linked automatically. Besides that, social networking sites have a whole lot more features than blogs. They can work as a portal for a class when each student will have his/her own page with his/her own pictures and videos.
PBworks wiki
Creating a new wiki
Q: How can I create a new wiki at PBworks?
A: Go to
Fill in the forms, as required.
Then you'll receive a confirmation email to activate your account.
Allowing others to view your wiki
Q: How can I make my PBworks wiki public?
A: To make your PBworks wiki visible to everyone, click on SETTINGS. Next under "Access controls" click on WORKSPACE SECURITY. And on the option "Who can view this workspace?" mark ANYONE. You should also check LET PEOPLE REQUEST ACCESS TO VIEW OR EDIT THE WORKSPACE. This way other participants will be able to browse your wiki without necessarily joining in or being able to edit it.
Inserting a link
Q: How do I insert a link?
A: Follow these steps.
- click on the "Edit" tab (top)
- write the title of your link and highlight it
- click on "Add Link" (top)
- in the new window, click on "Browse Pages and Files"
- in the new window, click on "Web Address" on the left
- insert your wiki URL
- click on Insert
- click Save.
Adding widgets in the Sidebar
Q: How I can add a clock to my Sidebar?
A: You can choose a clock from this site:
After you have chosen the one you like, click on "View html tag" and accept the terms. In the next window you'll have to choose colour, your time zone and the size (I'd advise you choose a small size). In the end copy the html code. In your wiki, click on "Edit the Sidebar". Place your cursor where you want the clock and click on Insert > HTML/JAva script (dropdown menu) and paste the code you copied previously.
Inserting an image
Q: In my front page I want to paste a pic, and every time I've tried, it's either too large, too small, distorted or blurred.
A: First choose the image you want to insert. Is it the right size? If it is too large, resize it with one of these online tools or with an image editor like Paint Shop Pro:
or download easy thumbnails:
- Now that your image is the right size (150x150 pixels), upload it to your wiki
- In the page where you want your image, click on the "Edit" tab
- On the right, under Page Tools, choose "Images and Files", and then click on "Upload files"
- Select the image in your computer and click enter
- Now place the cursor where you want the image to appear
- On the right, under "Images and Files", you'll see a list of the images and files. Click on the one you have just uploaded and it will be inserted on the page.
- Save if you are happy with the result.
Embedding a .ppt (Powerpoint)
Q: Where and how can I paste a Powerpoint presentation?
A: You can embed your ppt in the wiki by doing the following:
- create an account at slideshare:
- upload your ppt there:
- when it is done, copy the embed code (a text field on the right)
- in the wiki, click on edit and place your cursor where you want your slideshow to appear;
- click on Insert > More plugins > Office applications > Powerpoint slideshow
- save in the end.
Inviting people to join
Q: How can I invite people to join my wiki in Wikispaces?
A: I think the only way to invite people to edit your Wikispaces wiki is to know their emails, unless you make it public and let anyone edit it. If you make it public (in Permissions), everyone, including anonymous visitors, can view and edit pages.
Then click "Invite people to your wiki" (in the Table of Contents)
Go to Manage Wiki > Invite People to send an invitation email to the folks who will be collaborating in your wiki. Just type in up to 100 email addresses or Wikispaces usernames, separated by commas or line breaks, and hit Send.
Another option: In Wikispaces, to comment on your wiki or to create content, people generally request access to join your wiki. So if you want to use it with your students, you give them the link and tell them to request access.
A third option: Add accounts with the User Creator tool (K-12 and Super wikis only)
If you are a teacher and need to add a whole class worth of student accounts, you can do it all at once by going to Manage Wiki > User Creator. You will be able to make accounts for all of your students, even if they don't have email addresses.
Keep in mind that every Wikispaces username must be unique. Try using numbers, or initials, or a first name-last name combination to create unique usernames.
Changing the wiki name
Q: How can I change my wiki name?
A: Follow these steps.
- Navigate to your wiki.
- Select Manage Wiki.
- Under Settings, select Wiki Info.
- Under Wiki Information, type your new wiki name into the Name field.
This will only change the name of your wiki as it appears in the header. It will not change the address of your wiki, or the way the URL appears in your browser's address bar.
If you want your wiki to appear at a different address, you will need to change the domain name. You can change your domain name once every 30 days.
- Navigate to your wiki.
- Select Manage Wiki.
- Under Settings, select Domain Name.
- Enter your New Standard Domain.
- Click Change Domain Name.
Concerning page names it's always best not to have spaces, because they generate this sort of "20%" code which mixes things up and can even cause broken links. I'm sure you've seen it in certain URLs. What I suggest is using the "-" (minus) sign between words or the "_" (underscore) symbol. No spaces!
Inserting a link
Q: How do I insert a link in my Wikispaces wiki?
A: Follow these steps.
- click on "Edit this page" at the top
- highlight the word you want to make a hyperlink to in the text
- click on "Link" (top menu)
- click on "External Link" if it is a link to outside of Wikispaces
- enter the URL in the new window
- check "New window" if you want the link to open in a new window
- click on "Add link"
- "Save" (top of page)
Embedding a survey
Q: How can I paste a Zoomerang survey in my wiki?
A: You have 2 options: either you create a link in your blog/wiki with the survey URL created at (, or you paste the code in your blog/wiki.
If you want to embed it, create a new page and then from the menu, choose widget. From the list on the left, choose Polls/other, and then embed your code and save.
Copying an image from one wiki and inserting it in another
Q: How can I put your nice Blue image (ICT4ELT logo) into my wiki's new page?
A: First save the image to your local computer. If you want to change the size of the image, there are several tools online:
To install an image editor:
In PBworks
Then upload it to the wiki. After uploading your image to the wiki, click on edit, place the cursor where you want your image and, on the right menu, select Images and files; click on your image and it will be automatically inserted.
As as alternative, as the image is in the ICT4ELT wiki, you could just copy the url of the image: right click with your mouse on the image and from the context menu, select Copy image location (if you're using Firefox) or Copy shortcut if you're using Internet Explorer.
Place the cursor where you want your image. Then click on Images and Files on the right and, at the bottom, Insert image from URL. Paste the URL you previously copied and Enter.
With Wikispaces, do the following to insert an image from your computer:
- on the left menu, select Manage Wiki
- under Content, choose Files
- upload files: select them from your computer and click on Open.
Then open the page where you want your image, select Edit this page, and from the top menu choose File (you have an icon of an image and if you mouse over it says Insert Images and files).
Select the image and it's done. You still have a small menu to align the image, insert a tag, etc.
Moving a widget in a wiki
Q: I have made my Voki and placed it in my wiki, and it's Ok there, but I'd like to move it to be placed in another place in the page.
In PBworks
A: When you are in the edit mode of your wiki, if you highlight whatever text or thing there and then put your cursor on it, click your left mouse and hold it and slowly transfer the whole thing to required place, while still holding the left mouse, and when you have it there, release the left mouse button. And that's it.
In Wikispaces
A: When you click on Edit navigation, on the side bar, you have the [light blue] icons saying "other widget" You can drag and drop them according to the position you want.
Inserting a feedjit widget
Q: How can I insert a Feedjit Live Traffic Feed in my sidebar?
A: To insert a feedjit in the Sidebar of a Wikispaces wiki:
- Edit navigation
- Widget
- Other
- Copy the code in the window and save
Reverting to a previous version
Q: Has anybody figured out how to go back to previous state of your wikispaces easily?
A: Answer from a wikispaces forum:
"You can now revert a page to a previous version when you are comparing versions. To revert a page to a previous version go to the history tab of the page, select the version of the page you want, and select the 'revert to this version' link."
from here:
Flag counter
Q: How does a flag counter know my nationality? How does it work?
A: Each computer has an IP address (Internet Protocol address) which is unique and identifies computers on a network.
An IP is a number like this:
IPs are allocated to regions and then to countries and then to ISPs (Internet Service Providers), the company that you pay to to have Internet access.
There's a page here with details
There are many flag counters:
Yahoo Messenger (YM)
Adding Contacts
- Click Contacts and select Add a contact.
- Enter a Yahoo! ID or Yahoo! Mail address for the contact you want to add. If you don't know the Yahoo! ID or Yahoo! Mail address of the contact, use their email address. Then they will receive an email invitation.
- Click Next.
- Select the group that you'd like to add this contact to. "Friends," the default group, adds the contact name to your main Messenger List.
- Click Finish.
Creating a group of friends
In the main window
Each time you add a new contact, choose the group you want it to be in in a drop-down menu
Logging into a conference
Q: Am new to the messenger so do not yet fully understand how it works. Shall I just stay online and will be called? Or shall I sign up somewhere before the session starts?
A: You just need to log in to YM (Yahoo Messenger) about 20 mins in advance and then one of the moderators will start inviting each one to the conference (it's a group chat with text and audio). Then each one will try out audio.
You can go through the Audio and Video wizard in advance. In the main YM window,
- click the Help menu (top right)
- click Set up Video and Voice
- follow the steps
Problems with audio
Q: How can I solve problems with audio during a presentation in Yahoo Messenger (sound not clear or sounding very far away from the mic)?
- go to the Help menu (in the main YM window) and click Set up Video and Voice
- in Step 1, Microphone, there is a dropdown menu with two options. Choose the System Default option
How to use Twitter
Here are two YouTube tutorials to help you get an idea about Twitter and how to use it:
Twitter in plain English & Twitter search in plain English
Blocking a follower
Q: How do I stop someone from following me on Twitter?
A: When you are on your mail page, look to the bottom right where you will find Help written in red. Click on this and follow the instructions for reporting spam and other unwanted behavior!
A: You can block that person and report her/him for spam. See the image below for details.
Q: Is there Twitter etiquette for gratitude? Some of the people I chose to follow have sent me direct messages. Do I need to reply to those messages?
A: Here are some links to give you an idea of some of the basic twitter etiquette.
14 Ways to Use Twitter Politely:
Tweet Etiquette:
You may also be interested to look into the links below:
The five C's of Twitter:
Twitter for Teachers:
And here is an interesting Twictionary:
Twitter in the classroom: 10 useful resources
50 Ideas on Using Twitter in Education
Twiducate: a "safe" social network for students and teachers; just like Twitter, but for education
Tweetdeck (tutorial)
Q: How do I chat with you on Tweetdeck?
A: First, you need an account with Twitter. Then you need to download Tweetdeck. You will be asked to download Adobe Air first. Please accept. And have a look at this tutorial that will show you how to put your contacts into columns.
On opening Tweetdeck you will see a list of columns. This is an example of a BaW Tweetdeck. You can change the number and category of columns by clicking on the silver button with the + sign.
OK. On the left hand side (LHS) there are two rows of buttons. There are another two rows of buttons on the right (RHS), and there are buttons below each tweet.
LHS: Top
Yellow button: you don't need this if you write your message in the large grey box which says `What's happening?'
Silver Plus sign: this will add a column. You can choose between the core columns, your own lists, or add a new column. To do this you write the hashtag# and the name of the column you would like to open e.g #ICT4ELT2012. Now you have added a new column.
Red Splodge: if you would like to find out about someone who is sending you tweets, you can access their profile information here.
LHS: Bottom
Url shortener: by default this is switched on. If you add a long address to a tweet it will be automatically shortened. Click here if you want to switch the feature off.
Tweet shrinker: You can write a tweet using a maximum of 140 characters, including spaces. This tool will help shorten (e.g. Four will become 4) saving space.
Translate: you can use the dropdown menu and translate into a variety of languages. I don't know how efficient this is, but try it out.
Recent Hashtags: this will find you the hashtags to add to your message (or you can control this in another way).
RHS: Top
Refresh: speaks for itself
Single Column View: You can keep #ICT4ELT2012 open and not be distracted by any other tweets at the same time. This is good if you are having a conversation. Wednesday at 12 and 21GMT every week there is a great discussion forum called #ELTchat. It is so fast and furious that anything else would be a distraction.
Spanner: this is a drop down menu for the settings. It is worth having a look and playing with these to customise your tweetdeck.
Log Out
RHS: Bottom
Teardrop: if you want, you can add your location.
Camera: upload your photos or videos here. Make sure that they are not too big. Write your tweet, click on the icon, browse your machine, upload, and press send.
Video: use your webcam to record a video and upload it.
If you want to reply to a tweet:
Click on the thumbnail pic. There are 4 possibilities. You can reply (but others can read your tweet). You can DirectMessage (private), you can retweet so that others can read it, or you can save it as a favorite to read later.
The Plus sign under the tweet will allow you to add the tweeter to your list of followers, if you want to. If you are not happy to have this person as a contact, you can block them by clicking on the picture, opening the flower on the lower right, and clicking User > Block.
Q: Is there a hidden search button in Tweetdeck?
A: In order to do a search in Tweetdeck, you need to add a column by clicking on the + sign at the top left. You get a dialogue box with a search bar. You simply type your quest - preferably with a hashtag # for quests and @ for people - and click Search. The search results are presented in a new column. If you have aready made a search, all you need to make a new search is to click on "edit" at the top right of your search column and type your new search.
Q: Can "Followers" follow my blog without my permission and without me getting a notification?
A: People do not need permission to follow your blog. However, they will need to be invited to be authors on your blog. And you don´t get notifications of followers.
Changing text color
Q: How do I change the text color in the lower part of my blog homepage?
A: There's a simple way to solve your problem; in the Dashboard, Design, Page Elements, move your gadget "recent posts" to the side bar. The background colour is different there, and you can easily read text and links.
If you want to keep that gadget "recent posts" at the bottom of the page, you'll have to edit the template.
Blogger Templates is a website where you can download free templates for your blog. To change your template go to your blog Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML > Upload a template from a file on your hard drive.
If you want to change the colors of your template, go to your blog Dashboard > Design > Template designer > Advanced. There are color palettes to choose from.
Choosing a template
Q: Do I first create a blog and choose the template or vice-versa?
A: You first need to create your blog and then change templates. If you choose one of the blogger templates, it is all done when you create the blog. If you choose a template from this site < >, do the following:
1. Create your blog with
2. Download the template you want to install and save it to your hard disk
3. In the Dashboard, choose Design > Edit HTML
4. Choose Upload a template from a file on your hard drive and get the file you downloaded.
Editing a post
Q: Can I edit a post?
A: If you have Blogger, go to your blog and sign in with your Google Account. In the Dashboard you will see the options: New Post, Edit Posts, etc.
Leaving a comment
Q: What must one do to be allowed to comment? Is it necessary to sign in to each particular blog?
A: To post a comment on Blogger , I think you should use one of the following accounts which blogger suggests: Google, Livejournal, Wordpress, Typepad, AIM, Open ID. in addition to a security code.
Inserting a link
Q: How do I create a hyperlink or a link in the blog?
A: If you want to add a hyperlink to an existing post
- go to New Post (top) - Edit Post - choose the post you want to edit
If you compose a new post
- click on New post and enter the text in the box
- Highlight the word to make the hyperlink
- Click on Link (a globe icon)
- Add URL
- Click Ok
- Publish post
A: It's quite simple to create a link in blogger. When you create a new post or are editing an old one, just select the text where you want the link to be created. Then in the menu choose Link (a small icon, you can read link if you pass your mouse over it) and in the new window paste the URL (you previously copied from another browser window or tab) and then click on Ok.
A: You have detailed instructions here.
Cancelling comment moderation
Q: Can I cancel moderation of Comments?
A: To cancel comment moderation, follow these steps:
- Once in the blog Dashboard, go to Settings and then Comments.
- In "Who can comment?", choose "Anyone" if you allow anyone to comment
- In "Comment moderation", choose "Never" if you don't want to moderate comments.
Following your favorite blogs
Q: How can I follow my favorite blogs?
A: If you subscribe to Google Reader to follow your favorite blogs, you can insert a blog roll easily:
In Blogger, go to Design > Add a gadget (Sidebar) > My Blog List
Choose a title and the settings
Then click on "Add a blog to your list" and select "Import subscriptions from Google Reader"
Finally, Add
It´s important that you organize your subscriptions in Google Reader in folders.
Placing a flag counter and a clock link
Q: How do I place a flag counter and a clock in my blog?
A: Here are the steps to insert the link to Flag Counter on your Blogger page:
- Go to Design (top).
- Add a gadget
- Choose HTML/Java Script
- Get the code from Flag Counter page
- Add the code
- Save
- View the blog
Changing the language
Q: How do I change the language in my blog?
A: You can change the language in the Dashboard > Language
in Settings > Formatting > Language.
Blogger for Dummies explains everything step-by-step.
Q: Does anyone know the exact use/purpose of What is it for?
A: Netvibes is a news reader or aggregator where you can just copy the URL or RSS of your favorite websites and it will automatically update news for you. So, when content changes, you can read straight on your Netvibes page. You can have a public and a private page. There other services that do the same: Page Flakes, Google Reader and Bloglines.
A: Netvibes is a mashup, similar to iGoogle and Pageflakes. You can place in just one screen all the stuff that interests you on the Internet: news, the blogs you follow, your mail, photos, weather, and so on.
This article may be useful:
How Netvibes helped me cram the whole Internet onto a single screen
If you just want a blog aggregator, then you can use Bloglines or Google Reader.
A: I have used Netvibes for many presentations - as a compilation of links and facts - you can make certain pages open to the public and others just for you behind a login.
Here is an example with 7 public pages:
A: Netvibes is bookmarking website which allows you to gather your favorite links in the same place. There are two interfaces. One is personal and the other is public.
A: Feedly is another news reader. It can be organised in various ways. It's a nice way of following interesting blogs and websites on one easy page.
Q: What is Symbaloo?
A: Symbaloo is a bookmarking service with a layout based on small tiles with lively colors. "Symbaloo is an ancient Greek verb meaning ‘gathering’ ‘assembling’." It's an easy way to collect bookmarks in specific tabs.
Look at this short tour of Symbaloo by an American 7th grader.
Recording a chat
Q: Can we record a Skype chat and replay it to a student?
A: You can record Skype chats using Pamela. Here are instructions. Then you can upload the file to Podbeanand embed the player in your blog or wiki.
There is also MP3 Skype Recorder.
Q: Is there any useful comment about Skype/Video Chat recorders for Apple OS X?
A: There is Call Recorder, but it isn't free.
Here's a list of recording programs found on Google, some for Windows and some for Apple.
Skype Recorder Mac:
SkypeCap: Skype Call Recorder for Mac
Starting a chat
Q: How do I start a conversation in Skype?
A: In your friends' list, click on the name of the person you want to talk with and start keyboarding your message in the text chat area.
Q: Where and how I can find and try Voki?
A: You can read about and create your own Voki avatar at
You'll find all the info you need about how to customize it, add voice and publish it to your website.
Embedding a Voki in PBworks
Q: How do I embed a Voki in my wiki?
A: Click Insert, select HTML/Javascipt and paste your code. Remember to check "Allow JavaScript" (bottom left) and then click the "Insert plugin" button.
Other option:
Click Insert/More plugins/Interactive media/Voki speaking avatar
Voki for educators (with a blog and various suggestions)
Q: How can I embed an Eyejot video in my Blog/Wiki?
- Create a video and send it to yourself
- Select the video you'd like to have embedded from your video mail inbox
- Select the embed code button </>
- Select the content that gets revealed in the pop-up window (Press Ctrl +A)
- Copy the content that gets revealed in the pop-up window (Press Ctrl +C)
- Insert the revealed embed code inside your blog or wiki (Press Ctrl +V)
Q: How can I embed Animoto in my Pbworks wikii?
dropdown menu saying Actions
- Click on the arrow, choose Embed and copy the code
- In the wiki, click edit, place the cursor where you want to embed it,
- click on Insert HTML/Javascript
- Check "Allow Javscript..."
- click on Next, then in Insert Plugin
- Save in the end
Here's a guide about how to write a good multiple-choice exercise. And here's one on how to create a multi-select question.
If you need images, you can find free Clipart here:
File storage
Q: Can you suggest any platforms where I can store documents and files online?
A: You can use Google drive to store all sorts of non audio/video documents. This is very useful as you can access your documents wherever you are and edit them with people.
Dropbox is also a very useful way to store and share documents including audio and video files. You can have access to your files locally in your computer or in a browser, provided you have internet access. And they synchronize automatically, meaning that you can have the same files in all your computers that have Dropbox.
Q: How can I embed Wallwisher in my blog?
A: Here are the steps:
- go to
- register or sign in with other existing email account
- create your wall. Change the title, subtitle and picture
- doubleclick to stick your notes
- on the right hand side, on 'Do More', find embed
- copy the code
- go to your blog and click on 'Edit HTML'
- paste the code in the new post window
[The code is something like this:
<iframe src='//' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='480px' style='padding:0;margin:0;border:none'></iframe><div style='border-top:2px solid #a7d23a;padding:8px;margin:0;font-size:12px;text-align:right'><a href="/" style='color:#41555f;text-decoration:none'>Created with Padlet<img valign='middle' style='margin:0 0 0 10px;padding:0;border:none;width:16px;height:16px' src=''></a></div>
You can change the width or height if you wish.]
Finally, view your blog!
You can use Padlet for synchronous or asynchronous note-taking.
Pasting a picture
Q: How do I add pictures, videos and the like to my Padlet?
A: You just have to paste the URL of the image in the corresponding line: Add image, audio, or video link. [Make sure you have the correct URL.] Then click Ok.
Q: What is Capzles?
A: Capzles is an interactive timeline maker where one can add notes, pictures, music and design your own background. It can be embedded in Blogger by copying the code and pasting it in 'Edit HTML'.
Q: Can you embed video, add links, etc? Is it a better presentation tool than PowerPoint, or does it have only limited functions?
A: Video and audio files can be uploaded in Capzles. You can insert links too. Capzle is suitable to present information which follows a series of sequential steps, i.e process, timeline etc. Otherwise, it is very much like PPT or even less interactive than PPT.
Q: Is there an embed feature in Glogster?
A: Yes, Glogster has an embed feature. If you go to Dashboard, under Your Glogs, you have "Embed & Link to this page". There you have two possibilities: the code to link or the code to embed.
It can be embedded in Wikispaces (see this tutorial), PBworks and Blogger.
Yahoo Group
Changing contact email address
Q: How can I change my contact email address?
A: Here's how to do it:
- Go to your group
- Click on Membership/Edit Membership
- Choose the email address you want, or add another one, and select it (Step 1)
- Click "Save Changes".
Daily Digest
Q: I'm getting too many emails; is there a way to reduce the amount of daily mails?
If you feel that receiving individual emails is too much, edit your Subscription, click "Daily Digest" to get a batch of emails in one single message (Step 2).
Posting a message to the group
Q: How can I send a message to the group?
A: To post a message to the group, you can do the following:
- Go to the YG page:
- Finally click on NEW TOPIC
- Write the subject, the message and send.
As an alternative, you can send an email to, provided you are using the email you have registered in the YG.
Attachments in ICT4ELT YG
Q: I want to send a mail with an attached document but I found out there is no attaching service in YG! What do you do to send attachments to the group?
A: Our YahooGroup does not accept attachments and this is an anti-spam protection measure. If you would like to send us photos, for instance, you can upload them in the Photos section. If it's about another type of file, you can upload it in the Files section and the YG will announce us that a photo or file has been uploaded, or you can announce it to us yourself.
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