

Page history last edited by ElizabethA 9 years ago

back to tutorials

We are preparing this in November/December when Google+ seems to be changing all the time :-(

In a browser, you have the option in the bottom left hand corner (on most pages, but not all pages) "back to classic G+"

Most of the information here is illustrated with the "New G+" You can toggle back and forth between the two !



Your first post from a laptop

This is a repeat of the info on the week1 page


Your first post from a mobile device

Be careful - on a laptop you first write and then choose which category to put your post in (as you can see above)

On a mobile, you have to first choose the category and then write it



Don't get innundated with emails

Use the notifications bell



The principle of Homepage, Communities and Categories-within-a-community

is shown here on the Classic G+ interface.  Click here 

Your "home page" is your own page, which depends on the people you have in circles and the communities you belong to.

In the ICT4ELT community, the "All Posts" page can be considered as the "front page" of the G+Commmunity, where ALL the posts appear in chronological order. The same post is visible when you click on the "Category" it has been posted to, which makes it easier to find things hopefully :-)


Notifications under the bell (mobile)


Public, Private, Shared, and community messages on the new G+





















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